Classic Trials > Recent Trials for Classic Motorbike Trials / Classic Observed Trials, in the North & South Islands New Zealand.
Send me anything Classic Trials, from around New Zealand and I will post it here.
This section gives you Classic Trials / Classic Observed Trials, links to results, photos, news and views from around New Zealand.
Starting Classic Trials / Observed Trials
If you're thinking about getting into Trials and having some fun on a old trials bike why not come along and see what it's all about.
Riders need good balance, throttle control and skill to negotiate tough hazards or 'sections', such as rock piles, stream beds, twists and turns over tree roots and hill climbs.
There is no real speed component and riders are marked on their ability to ride the course without stopping or putting a foot down.
Riders choose a level suitable for them and their bike, the emphasis will be on a fun ride without breaking bike or body.
Its the cheapest motorcycle sport to get into and you can take it to any level you want.
Come along and see what it's all about.
BSA Bantam 175cc Classic Trials Project pre65
D7 Frame with brace.
BSA C15 Yokes and Forks (they fit streight in).
Widened S-ARM or fit cub S-ARM, (they fit streight in).
Longer rear shocks.
Sump sheild.
Cub hubs.
Small tank & seat.
Sammy Miller Footrests & Chain tensioner.
D7 engine with d10 175cc barrel (different ports) crank stuffers disk type to up the crank case compression, easy to make & fit if you have the motor in bits.
Open up and polish all barrel ports, make sure not to go too much because of piston ring damage.
Skim the head to up the compression ratio (not too much for trials use).
Amal Concentric carb & longer induction neck.
Hi-line exhaust.
Change sprockets for low gears, 12 tooth final drive sprocket and a 66 tooth rear sprocket.
For motorX they used to remove the flywheel & use a battery, up the compresion ratio (Todd head), Todd horse shoe crank stuffers, disc crank stuffers, piston stuffer, and the list goes on! Todd was the Bantam tuning guru.
ps I am looking for a cheap Bantam for a Classic Trials project, the last one was 35 years ago. Regards Will

Classic Trials at Cust
Classic MotorBike Trials
Links to Classic Trials Reports
Pleasant Point Classic Motorbike Trials
Classic Trials at AMBERLEY
Classic Trials at Cust
This section gives you links to Classic Trials / Classic Observed Trials, results and photos from around the South Island of New Zealand.

Classic Trials from around the South Island NZ
Spencerville Classic Motorbike Trials
Waipara Classic Motorbike Trials
Mt THOMAS Classic Motorbike Trials
Classic Trials at WAIKUKU Tulls Rd
Classic Trials
2 day Spanish Classic TwinShock Trial Robregordo 09. Over 150 riders took part.
Classic Trialsbikes - TwinShock - Air Cooled Monoshock - South Island NZ