Classic Trials > Recent Trials > Mt Thomas Classic Trial 2011 for Classic Motorbike Trials / Classic Observed Trials, in New Zealand.
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Photographs by Rich Wiley & CustGP
Classic Motorbike Trials / Classic Observed Trials competition, Mt Thomas Classic Trial, Kerry Miles Farm, Mt Thomas Rd, off Oxford Rd, Canterbury, held on October 2nd 2011.
Richard Cripps. Yamaha TY350 MonoMt Thomas Classic Trial.
Mt Thomas Classic Trial.
The course was marked out / designed by Kerry Miles, Dick Gardener and Trev Wiley.
After two months away, it was great to be back; hills + motorbikes + sunshine + great pople = classic motorcycle trials in North Canterbury. With a few new faces and Maso's new trials Cub out for its first outing, this was going to be a good day. I have to mention young Fergus Miles riding an Ossa MAR 250cc what a gutsy ride, also Kendall McDonald rode superbly. Garry Quinn had to retire because of an old knee injury playing up, Marty Smith retired with a broken kickstart on his TY and pretty much all riders had a good day - how could you not! The nine sections tested every one and you had to like steep banks with some tight turns and just when you're getting all hot and bothered... there was section nine, the creek!
I will see you all at the Waipara Classic Trial, Shellrock Farm, North of Waipara township on the 6th of November 2011.
Big thanks to Kerry and family for a great venue, also Peter McDonald for always supplying a good BBQ.
If I have spelt your name wrong, or ballsed up completely, let me know, just send me an email.
Will Gittoes
PS if anyone can help me out with a swinging arm for my Francis Barnett 197cc c1955 - 1965 please let me know.
Kerry Miles. Ossa MARMt Thomas Classic Trial.
Kendall McDonald. Honda TLR200Mt Thomas Classic Trial.
Fergus Miles. Ossa MARMt Thomas Classic Trial.
Slide Show Mt Thomas Classic Trial
Dick Gardener. Yamaha TY175 - Classic Trials
Mike Quickly. TLR200 - Mt Thomas Trial
Dave Chambers. ABS Trials Special - Mt Thomas Rd Trial
Nick Edward. KT250 - Mt Thomas Trial
John Simons. Honda TL145 - Classic Trial.
Kerry Miles. Ossa MAR Classic Trials
Graham Slee. TLR200 - Classic Trials
Rob Stowell. AJS 350 - Classic Trials
Trev Wiley. Honda Trial Classic Trials